Package: rubber Version: 1.1 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 8087cdb498f51f91c2427c7d0b253189 BuildDepends: Depends: tetex-base | system-tetex ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info --python=/usr/bin/python InstallScript: << make prefix=%i install << DocFiles: NEWS README COPYING PKG-INFO License: GPL Description: Building system for LaTeX documents DescDetail: << This is a building system for LaTeX documents. It is based on a routine that runs (hopefully) just as many compilations as necessary. The module system provides a great flexibility that virtually allows support for any package with no user intervention, as well as pre- and post-processing of the document. The standard modules currently provide support for bibtex, dvips, pdftex, makeindex, cweb and graphics/graphicx (currently with automatic epstopdf and XFig picture conversion and Metapost compilation). << DescPackaging: << Only uses python for scripting, so just use the system's version to save user headaches. Previous version by Antoine Reilles << HomePage: Maintainer: Alexander Hansen