Package: xmlto Version: 0.0.18 Revision: 9 Source: Source-MD5: 1a06471b70eb27a6aca5d1b3a144f9b0 Depends: libxml2-bin, libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-bin, libxslt-shlibs, docbook-bundle, docbook-xsl, w3m (>= 0.5.1-6) | lynx (>= 2.8.5-3) | links-ssl | elinks (>= 0.11.2-2) | links, getoptbin BuildDepends: libxml2, libxslt, docbook-dtd, docbook-xsl SetCFLAGS: -Os ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --disable-dependency-tracking Patch: %n.patch PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's|/usr|%p|g' format/docbook/txt InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING FAQ INSTALL NEWS README Description: Tool to convert xml files to other formats DescDetail: << xmlto is a front-end to an XSL toolchain. It chooses an appropriate stylesheet for the conversion you want and applies it using xsltproc. It also performs any necessary post-processing. Supported formats are: dvi, fo, html, html-nochunks, htmlhelp, javahelp, man, pdf, ps, txt, xhtml, xhtml-nochunks from DocBook; and dvi, pdf, ps from xsl-fo. DVI, PDF and PostScript outputs require PassiveTex, not in Fink and way too old. You may use fop or jadetex to produce those outputs. txt format requires lynx, links, elinks or w3m. See the xmlto man page for usage. It installs another script xmlif, which allows conditional parsing. See the xmlif man page for usage. << DescPort: << Patching format/docbook/txt to get rid of the hardcoded /usr path. Use explicitly the default install script to get the right prefix, thanks to Jean-Francois Mertens. dmacks added support for elinks for html->txt conversion. Changed order of arguments in call to find to cope with gnu find in findutils package, thanks to Max Horn. << License: GPL Homepage: DescPackaging: Formerly maintained by Michele Garoche Maintainer: None