Package: uptimec Version: 0.2p3 Revision: 11 Source: Source-MD5: e13817360d08e7cbe41ac297decd79f4 SetCFLAGS: -I%p/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib BuildDepends: gawk PatchScript: mv -f INSTALL INSTALL.txt DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL.txt README protocol.txt # ConfigureParams: --infodir=%i/share/info --mandir=%i/share/man CompileScript: << #! /bin/sh -ex ./configure %c make << Description: The Uptime Project DescDetail: << The Uptime Project gathers information about registred systems and presents various interesting statistics from this data. Anyone can join and all that is needed is a tiny client-software that is installed on all hosts that participate in the project. The project generates lots of interesting toplists[0] and statistics[1] based on the data provided by the clients. For more information, read the Introduction Page[2] and to get started, check out This Guide[3]. 0: 1: 2: 3: << Homepage: DescPort: << Even though ./configure does find openssl/md5.h (whether or not openssl*-dev is installed b/c it's in /usr/include), does not find MD5* symbols even if analogous openssl*-shlibs is, so does not use *any* crypto. Hence no need for any deps on any openssl* pkgs at all. --dmacks << Maintainer: None License: BSD