Package: mhonarc Version: 2.6.16 Revision: 1 Depends: digest-md5-pm581 | perl581-core BuildDepends: perl581-core, fink (>= 0.20.1-1) Source: Source-MD5: 1aae948971869d6fdf3d810d9894b3db CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do" InstallScript: << perl5.8.1 -batch -nodoc -nolib -noman -prefix %i -libpath %p/lib/mhonarc -binpath %i/bin perl5.8.1 -batch -nobin -prefix %i -docpath %i/share/doc/mhonarc -libpath %i/lib/mhonarc -manpath %i/share/man mkdir -p %i/share/mhonarc cp -r admin contrib examples extras logo %i/share/mhonarc cd %i/share/mhonarc && ln -s ../doc/mhonarc doc << DocFiles: ACKNOWLG BUGS CHANGES COPYING FILELIST INSTALL README.txt RELNOTES TODO License: GPL Description: Converts mail messages to HTML DescPackaging: << Installation is done in two steps: in the first step, the binaries are installed with the eventual libpath name supplied (this is put into the perl scripts by the installer); in the second step, everything else is installed in the fink installation directory. << Homepage: Maintainer: Dave Morrison