Package: fix-apple-x11 Version: 1.0 Revision: 5 Depends: system-xfree86 (>= 2:4.3-2) Conflicts: system-xfree86 (>= 2:4.3.99), xfree86-shlibs, xfree86-rootless, xfree86-rootless-threaded, xfree86, xorg-shlibs, xorg, regina (<= 3.2-22) Source: Source-MD5: 9e4b2a221e2df1b30a0bf1f92df49613 SourceDirectory: X11ForMacOSXSource-%v/xc PatchScript: sed 's|!PREFIX!|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p2 CompileScript: make World InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d ( cd %i/fix-apple-x11 && xargs rm ) < files-to-remove install -c -m 755 prepend-path %i/fix-apple-x11/bin install -d -m 755 %i/etc/profile.d install -c -m 755 fix-apple-x11.csh %i/etc/profile.d << # Description: Kit to fix problems of Apple's X11 1.0 DescDetail: << Apple's X11 1.0 shipped with Panther has two major problems; X_LOCALE and #prama GCC. This kit implements workaround for these problems by some magic. << DescUsage: << If the administator installed this package but you don't like it, you can disable by following way: (for bash) finkinit_fix_apple_x11_enable=NO . /sw/bin/ (for tcsh) set finkinit_fix_apple_x11_enable=NO source /sw/bin/init.csh << DescPackaging: << This package will create %p/fix-apple-x11, while the Fink packaging policy does not allow such a directory. This is by design. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Todai fink Team