Package: gperf Version: 2.7.2 Revision: 12 Maintainer: Chuck Robey # Source: gnu Source-MD5: e501acc2e18eed2c8f25ca0ac2330d68 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info GCC: 3.3 DocFiles: << AUTHORS COPYING* ChangeLog* NEWS README << InfoDocs: InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d docdir=%p/share/doc/%n # Description: Perfect hash function generator DescDetail: << This is GNU gperf. It is a program that generates perfect hash functions for sets of key words. A perfect hash function is: A hash function and a data structure that allows recognition of a key word in a set of words using exactly 1 probe into the data structure. The doc/gperf.html file explains how the program works, the form of the input, what options are available, and hints on choosing the best options for particular key words set. << DescPort: << My first package, probably has bugs, I would appreciate criticism. Needed by all the EDA stuff I have my eye on (such as gEDA). << Homepage: License: GPL