Package: abiword Version: 2.2.7 Revision: 3 Depends: glib2-shlibs, pango1-xft2-shlibs, atk1-shlibs, gtk+2-shlibs, libglade2-shlibs, fribidi-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs, popt-shlibs BuildDepends: pkgconfig, glib2-dev, glib2, pango1-xft2-dev, atk1, gtk+2-dev, libglade2, fribidi, fribidi-dev, libxml2, libjpeg, libpng3, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, applesystemfonts, popt, x11-dev PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh cd ../ sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 << Description: Open-source word processor DescUsage: << set the BROWSER environment variable to "open" to have your default web browser be the help viewer. << Source: Source-MD5: d07e581539479e615a0af0c0a92da9a3 GCC: 3.3 SourceDirectory: %n-%v/abi NoSetMAKEFLAGS: true SetMAKEFLAGS: -j1 ConfigureParams: --disable-gnome --disable-Cocoa --disable-Carbon --with-libxml2 --disable-gucharmap --with-libjpeg --without-epath NoSetCPPFLAGS: true CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh # set CPPFLAGS so that :freetype2 headers found before freetype headers. export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include/freetype2 -I%p/include" ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh make install DESTDIR=%d # make abiword a shell script that sets symlinks for applettf # fonts in ~/.fonts (if necessary) on launch. # remove abiword (a symlink) /bin/rm -f %i/bin/abiword mkdir -p %i/lib/AbiSuite-2.2 # move actual abiword executable mv %i/bin/AbiWord-2.2 %i/lib/AbiSuite-2.2 # install abiword startup script cp %i/bin/abiword chmod 755 %i/bin/abiword # install abiword-docs dir. mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cd ../ cp -R abiword-docs %i/share/doc/%n # symlink for man page mkdir -p %i/share/man/man8 ln -s %p/share/doc/abiword/abiword-docs/man/abiword.8 %i/share/man/man8/abiword.8 # symlink for help pages mkdir -p %i/share/AbiSuite-2.2/AbiWord ln -s %p/share/doc/abiword/abiword-docs/help %i/share/AbiSuite-2.2/AbiWord/help << DescPort: << Patch to use 'open' as default help browser (set the BROWSER environment variable to override this). abiword is a wrapper script that sets up symlinks to applettf fonts in ~/.fonts, so that abiword will find them. << DocFiles: BUILD.TXT COPYING README.TXT COPYRIGHT.TXT License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: None