Package: abook Version: 0.5.3 Revision: 7 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: a0e7c6d473f9363f312c2c01769a5281 Depends: ncurses, libncursesw5-shlibs, libncurses5-shlibs, ncurses-shlibs, readline5-shlibs, gettext BuildDepends: libncurses5, libncursesw5, ncurses, readline5, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools Suggests: lynx, mutt ConfigureParams: --with-readline=%p --mandir=%i/share/man --disable-dependency-tracking CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c make << DocFiles: ANNOUNCE AUTHORS BUGS COPYING FAQ sample.abookrc INSTALL NEWS README THANKS TODO Description: Text-based address-book for use with mutt DescDetail: << Designed for use with mutt, abook can also be used on its own. It can import from ldif, mutt alias, Pine address book and export to ldif, Pine address book, html, mutt alias, GnomeCard addressbook, elm alias, plain text and Spruce address book. << DescUsage: << For help, use the question mark inside abook. Numbers are used to access a given field while editing a contact. To cycle through fields, use h. See the man page abook (1) for details. When importing a file, be aware that shortcut for home directory is not recognized, but good news, spaces in filenames are recognized. There is an optional sample.abookrc file in %p/share/doc/abook. If you want to use/customize it, copy it to $(HOME)/.abook/ and rename it abookrc. See the man page abookrc (5) for details. For launching url, default browser is lynx, but you can define it in abookrc as open to launch your preferred Mac OS X browser. See the README file in %p/share/doc/abook to customize your $(HOME)/.muttrc file so that you can request an email address from abook. << DescPort: << The --with-readline option makes it compiled on Mac OS X. Added libncursesw5, since it is for widec (mutt integration). Added --disable-dependency-tracking to speed up build. Changed dependency to readline5. << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: None