Package: jwgc-ssl Version: 0.4 Revision: 2 Source: mirror:sourceforge:jwgc/jwgc-beta4.tar.gz Source-MD5: b8f91fc1161356dc2fbcfcc6f1bf9033 Description: Jabber WindowGram Client SourceDirectory: jwgc-beta4 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz Depends: x11, x11-shlibs, libiconv, openssl097-shlibs, gpgme BuildDepends: x11-dev, libiconv-dev, openssl097-dev License: GPL ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --sysconfdir=%p/etc/jwgc --with-iconv-dir=%p --with-gpgme-dir=%p --with-ssl-dir=%p InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man sysconfdir=%i/etc/jwgc << DocFiles: README NEWS ChangeLog LICENSE COPYING AUTHORS INSTALL clients/jwgc/jwgc.html clients/jctl/jctl.html clients/jstat/jstat.html clients/jwrite/jwrite.html clients/jlocate/jlocate.html ConfFiles: %p/etc/jwgc/jwgc.desc %p/etc/jwgc/jwgc.vars %p/etc/jwgc/jwgc_resources Maintainer: Daniel Henninger Homepage: DescDetail: << The Jabber WindowGram Client (JWGC) is a Jabber client that does not behave like a standard chat client. Instead, it is intended to look and feel almost exactly like MIT's Zephyr system. Whereas most chat clients focus on a single window to house a conversation between another person and yourself, JWGC pops up a separate window for every message you receive. To respond, you run a command-line application, type in your message, and send it on it's way. If you are familiar with the Zephyr system, JWGC should be trivial to adapt to. << DescUsage: << Start off by running jwgc -u . It will prompt you for a password and then background itself. After that, you can run jlocate, jctl, jwrite, and jstat to interact with jwgc. You will probably want to read over the manual pages for all of the components to get a better feel for what you can do with it. << DescPort: << The WARNING's during configuration are normal, please ignore. <<