Package: fink Version: 0.24.26 Revision: 21 Depends: base-files Suggests: << << Recommends: << apt (>= 0.5.4-41) << Conflicts: gcc3.1 (= 1175-6) Replaces: gcc3.1 (= 1175-6) Essential: yes Source: mirror:custom:fink/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 303b1e97c163d2e7f54c20030f7b471d CompileScript: << make test ./ %p << InstallScript: ./ %i PostInstScript: << %p/lib/fink/ %p/bin/fink --no-use-binary-dist index << # Description: The Fink package manager DescPackaging: << Don't use mirror:sourceforge so that older package manager versions which do not know that mirror can still selfupdate. Must put "make test" before "./ %p", because make test runs the setup script itself, but pointed at the testing directory. The second run of properly points fink at the installed configuration file. We are using Conflicts/Replaces against gcc3.1 so that the Fink gcc3.1 package is removed (in favor of an Apple-supplied gcc 3.1, represented by a virtual package). << DescDetail: << fink is the Fink project's package manager. It is responsible for downloading and compiling source and building binary packages from it. Binary package handling is then delegated to dpkg. << License: GPL Maintainer: Fink Core Group Homepage: CustomMirror: << Primary: nam-US: eur: <<