Package: byaccj Version: 1.1 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Vadim Zaliva # Source: Source-MD5: f47267af6d9dfe6914be3c08ffc7713c Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: make -C src all InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin ; install -m 755 src/yacc %i/bin/byaccj # DocFiles: README Description: Berkeley YACC with Java code generation support DescDetail: << BYACC/Java is an extension of the Berkeley v 1.8 YACC-compatible parser generator. Standard YACC takes a YACC source file, and generates one or more C files from it, which if compiled properly, will produce a LALR-grammar parser. This is useful for expression parsing, interactive command parsing, and file reading. Many megabytes of YACC code have been written over the years. This is the standard YACC tool that is in use every day to produce C/C++ parsers. I have added a "-J" flag which will cause BYACC to generate Java source code, instead. So there finally is a YACC for Java now! << License: Public Domain Homepage: