Package: svk Version: 1.00 Revision: 1 Type: bundle Description: Decentralized version control system (SVK) Maintainer: Christian Schaffner # Dependencies: Depends: svk-pm581-bin | svk-pm584-bin | svk-pm586-bin # Additional Data: DescDetail: << SVK is a decentralized version control system based on Subversion (svn). Subversion aims to take over the CVS user base, while svk attempts to take over the others - including people who already switched to other scm, and people who had not started using scm. It is written in Perl and is using subversion's underlying filesystem. For more information plase see the web site at << DescUsage: << WARNING Mirrored path states incompatible with SVK version < 0.18. run svk mirror --upgrade // (and other depots if you have). WARNING << DescPackaging: << The default compile script couldn't be used since 'ulimit -n 9999' had to be set. Otherwise the tests would fail with an 'Too many open files' error. << Homepage: