Package: nano Version: 1.2.5 Revision: 3 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs Source: Source-MD5: f2b3efbf1cf356d736740d531b6b22c4 Conflicts: nano-unstable Replaces: nano-unstable BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libncurses5, libiconv-dev ConfigureParams: --mandir='$(prefix)/share/man' --infodir='$(prefix)/share/info' --disable-glibtest --disable-browser --disable-nls --disable-wrapping-as-root --enable-nanorc --enable-color #SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp #SetLDFLAGS: -lintl DocFiles: AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS TODO nanorc.sample InfoDocs: Description: Improved clone of the Pico text editor DescDetail: << GNU nano is an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor, distributed under the GPL license. << DescPackaging: << Added --nanorc to support config files. The sample nanorc config file is located at @PREFIX@/share/doc/nano/nanorc.sample << Homepage: License: GPL