Package: inform Version: 6.30 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 21072774d79aab3ed81d6639870cfd60 Patch: %n.patch UpdateConfigGuessInDirs: config ConfigureParams: --infodir=%p/share/info --mandir=%p/share/man InfoDocs: inform InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d docdir=%p/share/info rm %i/bin/%n ln -s %p/bin/%n-6.30 %i/bin/%n mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R demos %i/share/doc/%n cp -R tutor %i/share/doc/%n << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README VERSION Description: Interactive fiction language and compiler DescDetail: << Inform is the language and compiler used to create "Z-Code" Interactive Fiction games, playable by interpreters such as frotz. (Inform 6.3 - Compiler 6.30 - Library 6/11) << DescUsage: << To compile an inform game, simply type (for example) "inform-6.30 -ix /sw/share/doc/inform/demos/advent.inf". Games can be played using "frotz" (also in fink). << DescPort: << Patch needed to prevent makefile from linking over its own files. (it links for example "Parser.h" to "parser.h". However the HFS+ filesystem can't handle this. On UFS, the links will actually be required, so this package is only suitable for HFS+ disks. If UFS is desired, simply comment out the patch line. << DescPackaging: << Fink binary distribution O.K. per license, but it is restrictive. << License: Restrictive/Distributable Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: