Package: tornado Version: 1.3 Revision: 10 Patch: %n.patch PatchScript: << find . -name "Makefile" | xargs perl -pi.bak -e "s/ cpp / cpp3 /g" << Source: #Source: Source-MD5: 149adcac75cb052c361d175bfc6d9f0f Depends: passwd BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libncurses5 CompileScript: << make PREFIX=%p LOCALEPATH=%p/share/locale LDFLAGS="-L%p/lib -lncurses -lintl" << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -e make install DESTDIR=%d PREFIX=%p LOCALEPATH=%p/share/locale SCOREDIR=%p/var/games MANDIR=%p/share/man << PostInstScript: << chown -R games:games %p/bin/%n %p/var/games/%n.scores chmod 2101 %i/bin/%n << ConfFiles: %p/var/games/tornado.scores DocFiles: AUTHOR COPYING CREDITS Changelog INSTALL README TODO Description: Networkable text-based weather destruction DescDetail: << Clone of the original C64 game. The goal of the game is to destroy the opponent's house with certain weather phenomenon: rain, snow, hail, lightning and tornado. The game can be played together (two players), against the computer (or two computer players against each other) or over a TCP connection. For a more detailed description of the game see tornado's manpage. << DescUsage: << If you get "bad MD5" please choose option 2, they change the tarball often. << License: GPL Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: