Package: imlib2-loaders Version: 1.2.2 Revision: 21 Description: Image handling library (extra loaders) License: GPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: imlib2-shlibs (>= %v-1) BuildDepends: imlib2 (>= %v-1), libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, x11-dev Source: mirror:sourceforge:enlightenment/imlib2_loaders-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d6442646a4544901433173ec359bd8c5 PatchScript: perl -pi.bak -e 's,need_relink=yes,need_relink=no,g; s,hardcode_direct=yes,hardcode_direct=no,g; s,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress,-undefined dynamic_lookup,g' configure SetLIBS: -L%p/lib ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --with-imlib2-config=%p/bin/imlib2-config --disable-edb --disable-eet --disable-mmx InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README Homepage: DescDetail: << Imlib2 is the successor to Imlib. It is not just a newer version, it is a completely new library. Imlib2 can be installed alongside Imlib 1.x without any problems since they are effectively different libraries, but they have very similar functionality. This package contains extra image loaders for the Imlib2 library. <<