Package: mplayer-skin-midnight-love Version: 1.5 Revision: 1 Provides: mplayer-skin Conflicts: mplayer ( <= 0.90pre10 ) Replaces: mplayer ( <= 0.90pre10 ) Source: Source-MD5: 8e7614b366d25622197997344149747c SourceDirectory: MidnightLove SourceRename: MidnightLove-%v-%r.tar.bz2 CompileScript: echo "Unpacking..." InstallScript: << install -m 755 -d %i/share/mplayer/Skin/MidnightLove install -m 644 *.png skin *.fnt %i/share/mplayer/Skin/MidnightLove install -m 755 -d %i/share/doc/%n echo "This is licensed under the GPL. for more information, please see the docs for mplayer." > %i/share/doc/%n/COPYRIGHT << DocFiles: VERSION README Description: Midnight Love skin for mplayer DescDetail: << MPlayer conversion of the nice WinAMP/XMMS skin of Rei Ayanami. << License: GPL Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki Homepage: