Package: allegro4 Version: 4.2.0-beta3 Revision: 11 Description: Cross-platform game programming library DescDetail: << Allegro is a cross-platform game programming library for C/C++ developers distributed freely. It provides many functions for graphics, sounds, player input (keyboard, mouse and joystick) and timers. It also provides fixed and floating point mathematical functions, 3D functions, file management functions, compressed datafile and a GUI. << DescPort: << Disable command-line utilities showing up in the dock << License: Public Domain Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky Homepage: ##### Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: True ##### Source: mirror:sourceforge:alleg/allegro-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 351c0fc676c433d439c3f482d5178448 SourceDirectory: allegro-4.2.0 ##### PatchScript: << sed -e 's,@PREFIX@,%p,g' %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 perl -i -pe 's/ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE/ALLEGRO_OSX_NO_GUI/g' tools/*.c << ##### CompileScript: << ./ macosx --quick make << # Make directories, make install, install tools not copied by default, fix install paths (again) InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib %i/bin make install INSTALLDIR=%i make install-man INSTALLDIR=%i MAN_DIR=%i/share/man cp tools/{dat2c,{exe,pat2,}dat,grabber,macosx/fixbundle,pack,rgbmap,textconv} %i/bin/ << DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGES THANKS docs/txt/* docs/build/* ##### SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Replaces: %N (<< 4.2.0-beta3-1) Files: lib/liballeg-4*.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/liballeg-4.dylib 4.0.0 %n (>= 4.2.0-beta3-1) DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGES THANKS <<