Info2: << Package: bittorrent%type_pkg[-x11] Version: 4.0.1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: None Type: -x11 (boolean) Depends: (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) wxpython-py24, python24 Conflicts: bittorrent, bittorrent-x11, bittorrent-nox Replaces: bittorrent, bittorrent-x11, bittorrent-nox Source: Source-MD5: e890d856d43b3d0af14b28714bc5801a PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -e if [ "%type_raw[-x11]" != "-x11" ]; then sed 's:@PREFIX@:%p:g' <%a/%{n}.patch | patch -p1 fi << CompileScript: echo "No Compile Script" InstallScript: python2.4 install --root=%d DocFiles: INSTALL.unix.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt credits.txt Description: Tool for distributing files DescDetail: << BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader introduces new upload capacity. This package contains the tools which are used for console-only downloading. If you want the GUI interface, install the bittorrent-gui package. << DescUsage: << Please refer to 'README.txt' and 'FAQ.txt' which can be found in '/sw/share/doc/bittorrent'. << License: GPL Homepage: <<