Package: blogtk Version: 1.0 Revision: 6 Depends: aspell, gnome-python2-py23, gnome-base, gtk+2 (>= 2.2.4-1), libgtop2 (>= 2.0.5-1), gconf2 (>=, gnome-vfs2 (>= 2.4.0-1) | gnome-vfs2-ssl (>= 2.4.0-1), libglade2-shlibs (>= 2.0.1-13), libgnome2 (>= 2.4.0-1), libgnomeui2 (>=, gnome-panel (>= 2.4.1-1), libwnck1-shlibs (>=, gail17 (>= 1.4.0-1), libxml2-shlibs (>= 2.6.1-1), scrollkeeper (>= 0.3.11-4), python23 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n_%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 90d40f7fb7df5636396caedaf34b73da SourceDirectory: BloGTK-%v PatchScript: << sed -e 's|@PREFIX@|%p|' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 perl -pi.bak -e 's|#!/usr/bin/env python|#!%p/bin/python2.3|' src/*.py rm src/*.py.bak << CompileScript: echo "Nothing to make" DocFiles: ChangeLog README InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << Description: Weblog client for linux DescDetail: << BloGTK is a weblog client that allows you to post to your weblog from unix without the need for a separate browser window. BloGTK allows you to connect with many weblog systems such as Blogger, Movable Type, pMachine, and more. BloGTK is written using Python and PyGTK , and is designed to be fast and simple to use. BloGTK is open-source software released under the BSD license, which means that it is completely free for use. BloGTK won't make you more attractive to the opposite sex, it won't create world peace, and it doesn't make julienne fries. It does make updating your weblog from Linux much easier and more efficient. On the other hand, that could make you more attractive to the opposite sex. (Guarantee of attractiveness void in this dimension.) << DescPort: << dmacks added patches (1.0-5): Reworked Makefile to implement DESTDIR. Make sure *.py calls correct python interpretter. << License: BSD Maintainer: Keith Conger Homepage: