Package: macaulay2 Version: 0.9.2 Revision: 31 Architecture: powerpc GCC: 3.3 Source: Source-MD5: f2181baccdb9bbe75c4f6ee61f782533 Depends: gdbm3-shlibs, gmp-shlibs (>= 4.1.4-1), libmpfr1-shlibs BuildDepends: gdbm3, gmp (>= 4.1.4-1), libmpfr1, autoconf (>= 2.60-1), gc-static (>= 6.2-2), singular-factory (>= 2.05-1), singular-libfac (>= 2.05-1), ntl (>= 5.3.1-12), gcc3.3 BuildConflicts: broken-gcc Suggests: emacs | xemacs SourceDirectory: Macaulay2-%v ## Diffs with previous %v _ besides dependencies (note also gdbm -> gdbm3) : ## 1) the previous trouble with linking tmpl_inst.o [presumably ld didn't want to see in a -lxyz.a an object ## with the same name as one of the objects to be linked (flat_namespace spirit ?)] has disappeared _ don't ## know with what %v of the dev-tools. So ref's to that trouble have been deleted, and line 3 in the patchscript ## is related too. ## 2) make check added for the moment _ and the last line of the patchscript is to let the build complete normally ## despite the failure of make check at some point. [A diff with the log of the prev %r (with the same ine added ## in patchscript) shows the results of make check are identical in both cases _ but for the timings of course !] ## 3) line 5 in the patchscript is to link with the additional deps (note: not only ntl, but also cfmem) ## 4) line 6 is to zap all -I/sw/include flags that preceded some flag referring to the build-dir ## 5) Finally line 4 : this was the only way I found to link correctly here. It seems rather fragile (that's part of ## the reason of the make check..) : eg, just adding NoSetLDFLAGS: true and SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib would ## give there an executable that crashes ('Bus Error') at the first use ... Apple's mysteries ! PatchScript: << sed "s|@PREFIX@|/sw|g" < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1 perl -pi.bak -e 's|/sw|%p|g' Macaulay2/README.MacOSX perl -pi.bak -e 's/^.*libfac_tmpl_inst\.o.*$//g' Macaulay2/d/ perl -pi.bak -e 's,\(PURIFYCMD\) \$\(CC\),\(PURIFYCMD\) g++ -dynamic -m,' Macaulay2/d/ perl -pi.bak -e 's,LIBRARYOPTIONS \+\= \-lgmp,LIBRARYOPTIONS \+\= \-lcfmem\nLIBRARYOPTIONS \+\= \-lntl\nLIBRARYOPTIONS \+\= \-lgmp,' Macaulay2/d/ perl -pi.bak -e 's,^.*\$\(prefix\)\/.*$,,g' include/ perl -pi.bak -e 's,^clean check,check \:\:\n\t\$\(MAKE\) \-C ComputationsBook changes\nclean,' Macaulay2/packages/ << NoSetCPPFLAGS: true ConfigureParams: --disable-strip --disable-dumpdata CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -e export CPATH=%p/include; export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3 make -f Makefile-configuration ./configure %c (ulimit -s 16000; make; make check) << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i (cd %i/bin; M2.tmp sed "s:^M2HOME=.*:M2HOME=%p/lib/Macaulay2-%v:"; mv M2.tmp M2; chmod 0755 M2) (cd %i/bin; M2-help.tmp ; mv M2-help.tmp M2-help; chmod 755 M2-help) (cd %i/lib/Macaulay2-%v/emacs; M2-init.el.tmp sed "s:^(defvar M2HOME .*:(defvar M2HOME \"%p/lib/Macaulay2-%v\"):"; mv M2-init.el.tmp M2-init.el) << DocFiles: << Macaulay2/CHANGES Macaulay2/COPYING Macaulay2/README Macaulay2/README.MacOSX << License: GPL Description: Computer algebra system for algebraic geometry DescDetail: << Note that this version of Macaulay2 is somewhat unstable, and may crash. A better version is forthcoming soon. << DescPackaging: << This version is compiled with g++-3.3, even in the 10.4 tree. If it is ever updated to a more recent compiler, the group of packages macaulay2, ntl, singular-factory, and singular-libfac (and any packages which depend on any of them) must all be updated at the same time. << DescPort: << Version 0.9.2-6 uses extensive patches for gcc 3.1 provided by the upstream authors. << DescUsage: << Users should put the following line in their .emacs files: (load "/sw/lib/Macaulay2-0.9.2/emacs/M2-init.el") If you experience segmentation faults with Macaulay2, you may need to run the command "limit stacksize 5m" prior to the command "M2". << Homepage: Maintainer: Dave Morrison