Package: maloc-mpi Version: 0.1-2 Revision: 5 Conflicts: maloc Replaces: maloc Source: Source-MD5: 4eb2a2788ab52118775227014db834cc SourceDirectory: maloc Depends: lammpi, readline-shlibs BuildDepends: lammpi-dev, readline-shlibs CompileScript: << #!/bin/zsh -ef export FETK_INCLUDE=%p/include export FETK_LIBRARY=%p/lib export FETK_MPI_INCLUDE=%p/include export FETK_MPI_LIBRARY=%p/lib BLAS_DIR='/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A' ./configure %c --enable-mpi --disable-blas --with-blas="-L${BLAS_DIR} -lblas -Wl,-framework -Wl,vecLib" --with-mpi make << Maintainer: W. G. Scott License: GPL Description: Hardware abstraction library (mpi version) DescDetail: << MALOC (Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C) is a small, portable, abstract C environment library for object-oriented C programming. MALOC is used as the foundation layer for a number of scientific applications, including MC, SG, and APBS. MALOC can be used as a small stand-alone abstraction environment for writing portable C programs that need access to resources that are typically architecture-dependent, such as INET sockets, timing routines, and so on. MALOC provides abstract datatypes, memory management routines, timing routines, machine epsilon, access to UNIX and INET sockets, MPI, and so on. All things that can vary from one architecture to another are abstracted out of an application code and placed in MALOC. To port the application code to a new architecture, only the small MALOC library needs to be ported (usually just "./configure ; make"). MALOC takes the pain of varying UNIX (and Win32) platforms with differing library and header layous completely out of the software development picture. . By default, MALOC builds libblas.a. This default is disabled because OS X provides its own BLAS in the Accelerate.framework. . maloc-mpi should be used for multi-processor machines. maloc can be used with any number of processors. << Homepage: