Package: mosflm-small Version: 6.2.5 Revision: 6 Source: SourceDirectory: mosflm625 Source-MD5: 08c0730fa588d71bed219a7763322672 Depends: x11, ccp4 (>= 6.0-1), libjpeg-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs BuildDepends: g77, ccp4 (>= 6.0-1), x11, libjpeg, libgettext3-shlibs PatchScript: << #!/bin/zsh -ef perl -pi.bak -e 's|-lcc_dynamic||g' setup << CompileScript: << #!/bin/zsh -ef ./to_small.csh ./build cd bin mv ipmosflm ipmosflm-small << InstallScript: << #!/bin/zsh -ef mkdir -p %i/bin cd bin cp ipmosflm-* %i/bin << Description: X-ray data processing, small display version DescDetail: << Mosflm is a program for integrating single crystal diffraction data from area detectors. It is assumed that the experiment was conducted using the Arndt-Wonacott oscillation method, and also that monochromatic radiation was used. Mosflm can process data from a wide variety of modern area detectors, e.g. from Mar Research, Rigaku/MSC, ADSC, DIP etc. This small display version is suitable for laptops and lower-resolution monitors. The large version is included in CCP4 by default and the latest version is in the mosflm fink package. Invoke with "ipmosflm-small" Authors: Harry Powell and Andrew G.W. Leslie MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH UK E-mail: harry AT mrc-lmb DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk << License: GPL Maintainer: W. G. Scott