Package: polyxmass-common Version: 0.8.7 Revision: 2 Replaces: polyxmassdata Maintainer: Mark Tracy Depends: BuildDepends: pkgconfig Source: Source-MD5: cdec34b29cc70967bca7d5ea1866f85b ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: README ChangeLog COPYING Description: Required data files for polyxmass DescDetail: << Polyxmass-common is a platform-independent package that contains a minimum set of textual/graphical data required to run the polyxmass software out of the box. Namely, standard configuration files for polyxmass, atom definition files, and polymer definition files for proteins. << DescPort: << No longer required to build polyxmass, but useful to run it. << Homepage: License: GPL