Package: scsh Version: 0.6.6 Revision: 20 Description: Unix shell embedded in Scheme License: BSD Maintainer: Michel Schinz Source: Source-MD5: fa0a62f8ec7b0629c297144c59027ba4 Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --with-lib-dirs-list='("%p/share/scsh-0.6/modules")' CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << DocFiles: COPYING RELEASE InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mandir=%p/share/man/man1 mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n ln -s ../../../lib/scsh/doc/scsh-manual/man.pdf %i/share/doc/%n/scsh-manual.pdf ln -s ../../../lib/scsh/doc/scsh-manual/html %i/share/doc/%n/scsh-manual-html echo "Additional documentation is available in directory %p/lib/scsh/doc" > %i/share/doc/%n/README << Homepage: DescDetail: << Scsh is a Unix Scheme shell which uses Scheme as its scripting language. It is currently aimed primarily at scripting, rather than interactive use, and makes for a nice Perl/Python/... replacement. Scsh uses Scheme48 as the underlying Scheme interpreter. << DescUsage: << After starting the scsh interpreter (scsh), you can get help by typing ,help at the prompt. <<