Package: lacheck Version: 1.26 Revision: 1 Maintainer: William McCallum Description: Consistency checker for LaTeX documents Source: Source-MD5:a3f2ea68e48e550392e8a4b8f46c2eef SourceDirectory:%n-%v CompileScript: << sed -e 's|/usr/local|%i|g' -e 's|/man/man1|/share/man/man1|g' < Makefile >; rm Makefile; mv Makefile make tail -n +1882 lacheck.c | head -n 114 > LICENSE << InstallScript:<< mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 make install << DocFiles:LICENSE License: GPL DescUsage:<< lacheck filename[.tex] From within Emacs: M-x compile RET lacheck filename[.tex] RET Use C-x ` to step through the messages. The found context is displayed in "double quotes" << DescDetail:<< LaCheck is a general purpose consistency checker for LaTeX documents. It reads a LaTeX document and displays warning messages, if it finds bad sequences. It should be noted, that the badness is very subjective. LaCheck is designed to help find common mistakes in LaTeX documents, espe- cially those made by beginners. <<