Package: lynx Version: 2.8.5 Revision: 2 Replaces: lynx-ssl (<< %v-%r) SplitOff: << Package: lynx-ssl Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Description: Dummy upgrade package for lynx with system-openssl DocFiles: CHANGES COPYHEADER COPYING README DescDetail: << This package only exists to migrate users to the new unified lynx package. You can safely remove it. << << BuildDepends: libncurses5, libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, libiconv-dev, system-openssl-dev Depends: ncurses, libncurses5-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv CustomMirror: << Primary: Primary: Primary: << Source: mirror:custom:lynx%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: d1e5134e5d175f913c16cb6768bc30eb SourceDirectory: lynx2-8-5 Description: Console based web browser DescDetail: << Lynx is a web browser that runs inside a terminal emulator, e.g. or an xterm. It can't display graphics and also has trouble with tables, but it can come in handy in some situations. This package builds Lynx with SSL/https support using Apple's openssl implementation. << ##Patch phase Patch: %n.patch ##Compile phase ConfigureParams: --enable-nls --with-screen=ncurses --disable-full-paths --enable-file-upload --enable-internal-links --libdir=%p/lib --mandir=%p/share/man --sysconfdir=%p/etc --enable-persistent-cookies --with-ssl=%p/lib/system-openssl SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/system-openssl/lib SetLIBS: -lncurses NoSetCPPFLAGS: true CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex export CPATH=%p/include export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH ./configure %c make << #Install Phase InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/etc make install-full DESTDIR=%d docdir=%p/share/doc/%n helpdir=%p/share/lynx_help localedir=%i/share/locale gnulocaledir=%i/share/locale (cd %i/share/lynx_help && rm -f COPYHEADER COPYING) mv %i/lib/lynx.cfg %i/etc/lynx.cfg << DocFiles: CHANGES COPYHEADER COPYING README ConfFiles: %p/etc/lynx.cfg # DescPort: << Unicode characters do not work correctly with but they display OK in xterm << DescPackaging: << The Makefile for the message catalogs doesn't respect DESTDIR, we work around that by setting the installation paths on the command line. Putting lynx.cfg in etc/ and the documentation elsewhere is a problem because the configure script uses libdir for both. Fortunately, only the path to lynx.cfg is hardcoded into the executable. So we set libdir to etc/ and override the doc and help directories in the install step. The Makefile edits lynx.cfg on the fly in the install step, so all paths are correct. Previous maintainer Alexander Strange (through 2.8.4-24). dmacks--Patch to install actual COPYING and COPYHEADER files in lynx_help instead of symlinks to build dir files. Patch WWW/Library/Implementation/HTTCP.c to fix a POSIX problem. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: elcepi