Package: mapserver Version: 4.8.3 Revision: 2 Description: Spatial Web Development Environment License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr DescDetail: << MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for constructing spatially enabled Internet-web applications. The software builds upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems including Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, GDAL/OGR. << DescUsage: << To use mapserver you either copy the directory or the file: cp %p/share/mapserver /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables or cp %p/share/mapserver/mapserv /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables You may, of course, add symlink to CGI-Executables after you edit httpd.conf to have Options: FollowSymLinks ExecCGI. The documents are available at: << # Dependencies. Depends: << freetype2-shlibs | freetype2-hinting-shlibs, gd2-shlibs (>=2.0.12), gdal-shlibs (>=1.2.3) | gdal-grass-shlibs (>=1.2.3), libtiff-shlibs, proj (>=4), proj (>=4), pdflib-shlibs, ming-shlibs, postgresql80 (>=8.0.2-12) | postgresql80-ssl (>=8.0.2-12), postgresql80-shlibs (>=8.0.2-12) | postgresql80-ssl-shlibs (>=8.0.2-12) << BuildDepends: << libiconv-dev, freetype2-dev | freetype2-hinting-dev, gd2 (>=2.0.12), gdal-dev (>=1.2.3) | gdal-grass-dev (>=1.2.3), libtiff, pdflib, ming, postgresql80-dev (>=8.0.2-12) | postgresql80-ssl-dev (>=8.0.2-12) << # Unpack Phase. Source: Source-MD5: e78ece6d5d27316ffc948b91739aa0b2 # Compile Phase. ConfigureParams: << --mandir=%i/share/man \ --with-gd=%p \ --with-tiff=%p \ --with-pdf=%p \ --with-proj=%p \ --with-ogr=%p/bin/gdal-config \ --with-gdal=%p/bin/gdal-config \ --with-postgis=%p/bin/pg_config \ --with-ming=%p \ --without-geos \ --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config \ --with-wfs \ --with-wcs \ --with-wmsclient \ --with-wfsclient << CompileScript: ./configure %c; make # Install Phase. InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/%n %i/bin cp mapserv scalebar shp2img shp2pdf shptree shptreetst sortshp tile4ms %i/bin/ echo "Creating links for backward compatibility to older fink versions" (cd %i/share/%n && ln -s ../../bin/* .) << DocFiles: GD-COPYING HISTORY.TXT INSTALL README README.CONFIGURE DescPort: << The binaries are now also installed in bin so that they can be used from the command line. Should mapserver depend on apache2 and put it into the apache2 cgi directory? Kurt Schwehr 5/2006 I followed README.CONFIGURE and the webiste: --with-freetype=DIR GD: Specify where FreeType 2.x is installed (DIR is path to freetype-config program or install dir). --with-zlib=DIR GD: Specify where zlib is installed (DIR is path to zlib install dir). --with-png=DIR GD: Specify where PNG is installed (DIR is path to PNG install dir). --with-jpeg=DIR Include JPEG support (DIR is LibJPEG's install dir). --with-xpm=DIR GD: Specify where libXpm is installed (DIR it the libXpm install prefix). --with-gd=[static,]DIR Specify which version of GD to use (DIR is GD's install dir). Supported --without-tiff Disable TIFF support. --with-tiff=DIR Include TIFF support (DIR is LibTIFF's install dir). Supported --with-libiconv=DIR Specify where libiconv is installed (DIR is path to libiconv install dir (prefix)). Supported (Implicityly) --without-pdf Disable PDF support. --with-pdf=DIR Include PDF support (DIR is PDFlib's install dir). Supported --without-eppl Disable EPPL7 support. --with-eppl Include EPPL7 support. Not Supported (EPPL7 is an extention to ArcView and is commercial) --with-proj=DIR Include PROJ.4 support (DIR is PROJ.4's install dir). --with-threads=linkoptInclude thread safe support Not supported --with-sde=DIR Include ESRI SDE support (DIR is SDE's install dir). --with-sde-version=VERSION NUMBER Set ESRI SDE version number (Default is 80). --with-sderaster Include experimental ESRI SDE raster support. Not Supported (ESRI's SDE is commercial) --with-mpatrol=DIR Include MPATROL support (DIR is MPATROL's install dir). --with-geos=PATH Include GEOS support (PATH is path to geos-config) Not supported (it is not implemented yet) --with-ogr=PATH Include OGR support (PATH is path to gdal-config). --with-gdal=PATH Include GDAL support (PATH is path to gdal-config) Supported --with-postgis=ARG Include PostGIS Support (ARG=yes/path to pg_config) Supported (PostGIS is now included in postgresql80 (>=8.0.2-11)) --with-mygis=ARG Include MyGIS Support (ARG=yes/path to my_config) Support Planned --with-oraclespatial=ARG Include OracleSpatial Support (ARG=yes/path to Oracle home) Not Supported (commercial) --with-ming=DIR Include MING/Flash Support (DIR=path to Ming directory) Supported --without-wms Disable OGC WMS Compatibility (enabled by default). Supported (Implicitly) --with-wfs Enable OGC WFS Server Support (OGR+PROJ4 required). --with-wcs Enable OGC WCS Server Support (GDAL+PROJ4 required). --with-wmsclient Enable OGC WMS Client Connections (PROJ4 and libcurl required). --with-wfsclient Enable OGC WFS Client Connections (PROJ4, libcurl and OGR required). --with-curl-config=PATH Specify path to curl-config. Supported --with-fastcgi=path Enable FastCGI, point to installed tree. Not Supported --with-httpd Specify path to 'httpd' executable. Support Planned --with-php=DIR Specify directory where PHP4's include files are installed (or a pointer to the full source tree) Required in order to compile the PHP/MapScript module. --with-php-regex-dir=DIR Specify directory where the PHP4 bundled REGEX object files (regex/*.o) are available. Required in order to compile the PHP/MapScript module with PHP configured as a DSO. Support Planned --with-apxs=FILE (CURRENTLY DISABLED) Use this option only if building the PHP MapScript on a system where PHP was built as a shared Apache module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to apxs. --with-apache=DIR (CURRENTLY DISABLED) Use this option only if building the PHP MapScript on a system where PHP was built as an Apache module statically linked into the httpd executable. DIR is the path to the apache include files. Not Supported (CURRENTLY DISABLED) <<