Package: fluxbox Version: 0.1.10 Revision: 22 Architecture: powerpc GCC: 3.3 BuildDepends: x11-dev, gcc3.3 Depends: x11 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 47b1ffec935466db56d26476a62a9d58 PatchScript: << mv util/bsetbg util/bsetbg-flux patch -p1 < %a/%n.patch << ConfigureParams: --enable-xinerama --mandir=%p/share/man SetCXX: g++-3.3 DocFiles: AUTHORS README COPYING data/README.* ChangeLog Description: Another Window Manager not unlike blackbox DescPackaging: << This version is compiled with g++-3.3, even in the 10.4 tree. If it is ever updated to a more recent compiler, any packages which depend on this one must be updated at the same time. << DescDetail: << Fluxbox is yet another windowmanager for X. It's based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Fluxbox looks like blackbox and handles styles, colors, window placement and similar thing exactly like blackbox (100% theme/style compability). Features-> * Configurable window tabs. * Iconbar (for minimized/iconified windows) * Wheel scroll changes workspace * Configurable titlebar (placement of buttons, new buttons etc) * KDE support * New native integrated keygrabber (supports emacs like keychains) * Maximize over slit option * Partial GNOME support << License: BSD Maintainer: Joe Gorse Homepage: