Package: fvwm-icons Version: 2.4.0 Revision: 5 Source: Source-MD5: 53b7cdf75d1916a8bfa8fba990a588d8 CompileScript: echo "nothing to do" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/pixmaps install -p -m644 *.xpm %i/share/pixmaps mkdir -p %i/share/doc/fvwm-icons echo "Icon files supplied at the fvwm site, previously part of the fvwm distribution." >%i/share/doc/fvwm-icons/README.fvwm-icons echo "Labeled as a Restrictive fink package, since there is no explicit permission to redistribute." >>%i/share/doc/fvwm-icons/README.fvwm-icons << License: Restrictive Description: Icons for fvwm DescUsage: << These files were previously contained in fvwm-common, so this package conflicts with fvwm-common-2.2.5. However it can be used in conjunction with fvwm-common-2.4.0 or later. << Homepage: Maintainer: Dave Morrison