Package: enunciate Version: 1.26.2 Revision: 1 # Actually Apache, but the packaging policy says that counts as BSD License: BSD Maintainer: None Homepage: Type: java Description: Web service enhancement tool DescDetail: << Enunciate is a build-time Web service enhancement tool that can be applied to Java-based projects for generating a lot of cool artifacts from the source code of your Web service endpoints. << DescPackaging: << Former maintainer: Sjors Gielen The CompileScript downloads a _lot_ of files from the Maven repository. Maybe we should bundle all these files in a Source2? TODO: find out what files are downloaded, and how to pack and unpack them in such a way that we can fool ant/maven into thinking it's already got everything and doesn't need to download new files. << Source: SourceRename: Source-MD5: e14969ebb6f59a19971b5a2edd3efb26 BuildDepends: system-java-dev Depends: system-java CompileScript: << ant -f build-site.xml dist << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/enunciate %i/bin mv target/bin target/docs target/lib target/module-docs target/samples %i/lib/enunciate chmod 0755 %i/lib/enunciate/bin/enunciate ln -s %p/lib/enunciate/bin/enunciate %i/bin/enunciate <<