Package: jasmin Version: 2.4 Revision: 1 Description: Assembler for the Java Virtual Machine License: BSD # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: e646257c6cdb4faf00aae096fb1949c1 Source2: Source2-MD5: c8bbb126da75ca61fa274e7c7db073e3 BuildDepends: dos2unix Patchscript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cat >%b/jasmin <] [-g] [-e ] [ ...] where -g - autogenerate linenumbers -e - codepage for inputfile encoding -d - path for generated classfiles file - sourcefile (wildcards are allowed) or: jasmin -version or: jasmin -help << DescPort: << The aim of this port is jasmin to serve as a basis for the jvm target of a FreePascal crosscompiler. As such it incorporates the patches from the FreePascal wiki: << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler