Package: lazarus-lcl-wince-arm Version: 1.6.2 Revision: 2 License: GPL/LGPL Depends: << lazarus-aqua (>= 1.6) | lazarus-gtk2 (>= 1.6) | lazarus-qt4 (>= 1.6), fpc-cross-arm-wince (>= 3.0.2) << Recommends: fpc-doc, lazarus-doc Source: mirror:sourceforge:lazarus/lazarus-%v-0.tar.gz Source-MD5: f9795043d81730fdc787ff621e65851c SourceDirectory: lazarus UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Yosemite fix if [ "$(uname -r | cut -d. -f1)" -ge 14 ]; then export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 ; fi debug_options="-gl" # ** Start compiling the lazarus component libraries BaseUnits="registration lazutils codetools lcl" AllUnits="registration lazutils codetools lcl basecomponents bigidecomponents" make $BaseUnits LCL_PLATFORM=wince OPT="$debug_options" OS_TARGET=wince PP=ppcarm CPU_TARGET=arm make packager LCL_PLATFORM=wince OPT="$debug_options" OS_TARGET=wince PP=ppcarm CPU_TARGET=arm << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # ** install the lcl and other libraries/units ** for path in $(find . -name arm-wince | cut -f 2- -d '/' ) ; do install -d $(echo %i/share/lazarus/$(dirname $path)) mv -v $path $(echo %i/share/lazarus/$(dirname $path)) done chmod -R a+rw %i/share/lazarus << Description: The wince-arm version of the lcl DescUsage: This is the wince-arm version of the lazarus component library DescPort: << basecomponents does not add specific units. bigidecomponents fails. Notes regarding the InstallScript: - find gives the list of directories - cut removes the './' from the beginning of the paths - grep removes the directories, which do not contain unit files << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler