Package: po4a Version: 0.45 Revision: 103 Distribution: 10.11 ### ## System module-build works fine "module-build-pm" ### * Unicode::GCString is not installed (Unicode-LineBreak) BuildDepends: << docbook-dtd, docbook-xsl, gettext-tools, sgmls-pm, term-readkey-pm5182, libxslt-bin << Depends: << gettext-tools, sgmls-pm, opensp-bin << ### * Unicode::GCString is not installed Recommends: << locale-gettext-pm5182, term-readkey-pm5182, text-wrapi18n-pm5182 << ### Source: mirror:debian:/pool/main/p/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-MD5: 423bdf5c39f30e63a808b84c5d9d1899 SourceDirectory: %n-%v ### DocFiles: changelog COPYING NEWS README* TODO ### PatchScript: << # Add use lib to main binary perl -pi -e 's,# po4a -- Update both the po files and translated documents in one shoot,use lib "%p/lib/perl5";\n# po4a -- Update both the po files and translated documents in one shoot,g' po4a # OpenJade instead of Jade perl -pi -e 's,nsgmls,onsgmls,g' lib/Locale/Po4a/ # Show %p/bin not /usr/bin BASE=$(echo %p | perl -pi -e 's,/,,'); \ for i in %b/po/bin/*.po %b/po/bin/*.pot %b/po/pod/*.po %b/po/pod/*.pot lib/Locale/Po4a/; do \ perl -pi -e 's,/usr/,%p/,g' $i; \ perl -pi -e 's,usr/,${BASE}/,g' $i; \ perl -pi -e 's,nsgmls,onsgmls,g' $i; \ done perl -pi -e 's,/usr/local,%p,g' po/bin/Makefile; perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' po/bin/Makefile; perl -pi -e 's,/etc,%p/etc,g' po/bin/Makefile; perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' share/po4a-build; perl -pi -e 's,/etc,%p/etc,g' share/po4a-build; perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' share/po4a-build.make; perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' share/doc/po4a-build.xml; perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' doc/po4a.7.pod perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' doc/po4a-build.conf.5.pod perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' doc/po4a-runtime.7.pod perl -pi -e 's,/usr,%p,g' doc/po4a-runtime.7.pod ### Fix for msgmerge 0.17 # perl -pi -e 's,msgmerge \$msgmerge_opt,msgmerge --backup=off \$msgmerge_opt,g' po4a-updatepo ### Fix for man pages installing to /usr/local perl -pi -e 's,install_sets[\(]\$self-(.)installdirs[\)]-.(\{)(.)bindoc.,install_path\(\)-\1\2\3bindoc\3,g' << ### CompileScript: << perl Build.PL PREFIX=%p create_packlist=0 ./Build << ### InfoTest: << TestDepends: << html-parser-pm5182, texlive-nox-base | texlive-base << TestScript: << ./Build test || exit 2 << << ### InstallScript: << ./Build install --install_path lib=%p/lib/perl5 --install_path arch=%p/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level --install_path script=%p/bin --install_path bin=%p/bin --install_path bindoc=%p/share/man/man1 --install_path libdoc=%p/share/man/man3 --install_path binhtml=%p/share/man/man1 --install_path libhtml=%p/share/man/man3 destdir=%d sed -i -e '1s|^#! /usr/bin/env perl|#! /usr/bin/perl|' %i/bin/* << ### Description: Tools for helping translation of docs DescDetail: << The po4a (PO for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on areas where they were not expected like documentation. This package contains the main libraries of po4a, and the following sub-modules: - Dia: uncompressed Dia diagrams. - INI: the INI format - KernelHelp: Help messages of each kernel compilation option. - LaTeX: generic TeX or LaTeX format. - Man: either roff or mdoc format. - POD: Perl documentation format. - SGML: either DebianDoc or DocBook DTD. - Texinfo: the info page format. - XML: very configurable (preconfigured for DocBook, XHTML, Guide, WML). << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett