Package: libx264-118-shlibs Version: 0.0.20111013 Revision: 5 ### BuildDepends: << fink-buildenv-modules (>= 0.1.3), x11-dev, yasm (>= 0.8.0-1) << Depends: x11 ### Source: SourceDirectory: x264-snapshot-20111013-2245 Source-MD5: 155d875d961626fe84b94e63c9fda328 ### PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 964ebd270f064915a14767a51c76a35e PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev . %p/sbin/ %{default_script} # remove useless flag with clang perl -pi -e 's|-falign-loops=16||g' configure # Don't use /usr/X11R6 directory perl -pi -e "s|\/usr\/X11R6|$X11_BASE_DIR|g" configure << ### DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ### NoSetCFLAGS: true ConfigureParams: << --enable-shared \ --disable-lavf \ --disable-swscale \ --enable-visualize \ --enable-pic \ --host=%m-apple-darwin`uname -r` << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %{default_script} ### change CFLAGS to use -O1 to avoid clang issue #export TMPCFLAGS="`grep CFLAGS config.mak | cut -f 2- -d '=' | sed s/O3/O1/`" #printenv TMPCFLAGS #gcc ${TMPCFLAGS} -c -o encoder/analyse.o encoder/analyse.c ### just to make sure #unset TMPCFLAGS #make ### copy config.mak to modify the -O flag cp config.mak config1.mak perl -pi -e 's|-O3|-O1|g' config1.mak ### now have Makefile import config1.mak and build encoder/analyse.o perl -pi -e 's|config.mak|config1.mak|g' Makefile rm encoder/analyse.o make encoder/analyse.o ### return to normal and remake perl -pi -e 's|config1.mak|config.mak|g' Makefile make << ### InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << ### Shlibs: %p/lib/libx264.118.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>= 0.0.20111013-1) ### SplitOff: << Package: x264 Description: Libx264 utilities Depends: libx264-118-shlibs (>= %v-%r), x11 Files: << bin << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING << SplitOff2: << Package: libx264-118-dev Description: Libx264 developer files Depends: libx264-118-shlibs (>= %v-%r) Conflicts: << libx264-dev, libx264-98-dev, libx264-115-dev, libx264-118-dev, libx264-devel-dev << Replaces: << libx264-dev, libx264-98-dev, libx264-115-dev, libx264-118-dev, libx264-devel-dev << BuildDependsOnly: true Files: << include lib/libx264.dylib lib/pkgconfig << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING << ### Description: Encoding H264/AVC video stream shared library DescDetail: << x264 is a free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams << DescPackaging: << Starting with library version -98-, the -dev splitoff is named to match the -shlibs splitoff. In version -57-, the dev splitoff was simply named libx264-dev, and this generated much confusion for the dependency engine. Static library removed beginning with library version -115-. << DescPort: << -O1 set for clang issue: CompileScript modified so that only encoder/analyse.o is built with -O1 Supposedly fixed by x264 commit 02c3d5ec58d6bcbc5e22715ae80d53d8556f3c8f from Wed Feb 1 2012. Fix for Xcode 5.1: c628e3bacabb3ec6aff74332c76a7879b80a7a3d << ### License: GPL Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser Homepage: