Info4: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtlocation Version: 5.5.0 Revision: 1 Distribution: 10.9, 10.10 Description: Cross-Platform framework (%type_pkg[qt]) Type: qt (mac) License: LGPL Maintainer: None ### First version 5.3.1 by Hanspeter Niederstrasser ### Free to upgrade and modify parameters, but please discuss ### first on the fink-devel list Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtlocation-shlibs (= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (= %v-%r) << BuildDepends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtbase-dev-tools (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtbase (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtdeclarative (>= %v-1), fink (>= 0.34.4-1), fink-buildenv-modules, fink-package-precedence, pkgconfig, xcode (>= 5.1.1), (>= 5.1.1), ( %type_pkg[qt] = x11 ) x11-dev << BuildConflicts: uuid, libevent1.4, libevent2, libev4 BuildDependsOnly: true Source: Source-MD5: 30f0709c045d9f16acad0e455085f1a7 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetCFLAGS: true NoSetCXXFLAGS: true GCC: 4.0 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev . %p/sbin/ export QT_FINK_PREFIX=%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt] export PATH=${QT_FINK_PREFIX}/bin:$PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%p/lib/glib-2.0/pkgconfig-strict:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH if [ "%type_raw[qt]" == "mac" ]; then qmake_flags="QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=\"-F%b/lib\"" fi qmake $qmake_flags make fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' --prohibit-bdep=%N . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export QT_FINK_PREFIX=%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt] make install INSTALL_ROOT=%d ### Make sure we have all the right packages (by probing .pc files) pushd %d/${QT_FINK_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig ### keep at end of the 'want' list of .pc files want="Qt5Location.pc Qt5Positioning.pc " have=`/bin/ls -1 | tr '\n' ' '` popd if [ "$want" != "$have" ]; then echo "Unexpected build results (mismatched list of .pc)" echo " want: '$want'" echo " have: '$have'" exit 1 fi ### Clean up .la, .prl files ### remove build-dir location and fix '-framework ' -> '-Wl,-framework,' find %d/${QT_FINK_PREFIX}/lib -name \*.prl -o -name \*.la | xargs \ perl -pi -e 's|%b/lib|%p/lib|g; s|-framework |-Wl,-framework,|g' ### Clean up .pc files ### fix '-framework ' -> '-Wl,-framework,' find %d/${QT_FINK_PREFIX}/lib -name \*.pc | xargs \ perl -pi -e 's|-framework |-Wl,-framework,|g' ### clean up Libs.private perl -ni -e 'print unless /Libs.private:/' %d/${QT_FINK_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc << #AppBundles: DocFiles: LICENSE.LGPLv21 LICENSE.LGPLv3 LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt SplitOff: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtlocation-shlibs Description: Qt Location library (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtgui-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtnetwork-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtquick-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtqml-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << ( %type_pkg[qt] = mac ) lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/QtLocation.framework/Versions/5/QtLocation ( %type_pkg[qt] = x11 ) lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libQt5Location.5*.dylib << Shlibs: << ( %type_pkg[qt] = mac ) %p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/QtLocation.framework/Versions/5/QtLocation 5.5.0 %n (>= 5.5.0-1) ( %type_pkg[qt] = x11 ) %p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libQt5Location.5.dylib 5.5.0 %n (>= 5.5.0-1) << DescDetail: << Qt5 Location module. << << SplitOff2: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs Description: Qt Positioning library (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << ( %type_pkg[qt] = mac ) lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/QtPositioning.framework/Versions/5/QtPositioning ( %type_pkg[qt] = x11 ) lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libQt5Positioning.5*.dylib << Shlibs: << ( %type_pkg[qt] = mac ) %p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/QtPositioning.framework/Versions/5/QtPositioning 5.5.0 %n (>= 5.5.0-1) ( %type_pkg[qt] = x11 ) %p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libQt5Positioning.5.dylib 5.5.0 %n (>= 5.5.0-1) << DescDetail: << Qt5 Positioning module. << << SplitOff3: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-location-plugins Description: Qt5 location plugins (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtlocation-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtgui-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtnetwork-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtqml-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtquick-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/plugins/geoservices << DescDetail: << SplitOff4: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-positioning-plugins Description: Qt5 positioning plugins (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/plugins/position << DescDetail: << SplitOff5: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qml-module-qtlocation Description: Qt5 location QML module (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtlocation-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtgui-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtnetwork-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtqml-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtquick-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/share/qt5/qml/QtLocation << DescDetail: << SplitOff6: << Package: qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qml-module-qtpositioning Description: Qt5 positioning QML module (%type_pkg[qt]) Depends: << qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtpositioning-shlibs (>= %v-%r), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtgui-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtnetwork-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtqml-shlibs (>= %v-1), qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtquick-shlibs (>= %v-1) << Files: << lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/share/qt5/qml/QtPositioning << DescDetail: << Homepage: DescDetail: << Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework with APIs for C++ programming and Qt Quick for rapid UI creation. * Intuitive class libraries * Easy to use and learn * Produce highly readable, easily maintainable and reusable code * High runtime performance and small footprint << DescUsage: << To compile against this Qt5, you need to make sure that "%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/bin" is first in your PATH and that qmake is present. Qmake is provided by "qt5-%type_pkg[qt]-qtbase-dev-tools". If you need to manually find the headers and libraries, you need your compiler flags to contain: -F%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib or this: -I%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/include ...and your linker flags to contain: -F%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib or -L%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/lib In this case, it's still a good idea to set your PATH to contain "%p/lib/qt5-%type_pkg[qt]/bin" as well. << DescPackaging: << We follow Ubuntu's lead in using the separate tarballs and separate most of the packages the same way they do. << << # End Info4