Package: tuntap Version: 20111101 Revision: 2 Description: IP Tunnel kernel extension License: BSD Maintainer: Andreas Gockel Source: mirror:sourceforge:%{n}osx/%{n}_%v_src.tar.gz Source-MD5: 852593304085e7e36743ac11a9de82fc PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 7c560bb6c1b39f32b5a7e11eea4f3035 SourceDirectory: %n Architecture: x86_64 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -e -x cd %b make -j1 all << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -e -x mkdir -p %i/{lib/%n,bin,share/doc} cp -a tun.kext tap.kext %i/lib/%n/ chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX %i/lib/%n/*.kext /bin/cat >%i/bin/start-%n <<'EOF' cp -a pkg/res/* %i/share/doc/ #!/bin/sh kextload %p/lib/%n/*.kext EOF chmod a+x %i/bin/start-%n << PostInstScript: << chown -R root:wheel %p/lib/%n/*.kext printf '\n%%s\n' "Use \"sudo %p/bin/start-%n\" to load the kernel extensions" << DocFiles: << Changelog INSTALL README << Homepage: DescDetail: << Provides virtual network interfaces allowing applications to exchange IP packets with the kernel. << DescUsage: << Use "sudo %p/bin/start-%n" to load the kernel extensions << DescPort: << The patch prevents the build system from trying to build a 32 bit version of the tuntap kernel extension, which would otherwise trigger a build error on at least 10.8 and 10.9, where kerenel extensions are 64 bit only. <<