Package: pgpdump Version: 0.35 Revision: 1 Maintainer: None BuildDepends: << bzip2-dev << Depends: << bzip2-shlibs << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(4e02922dbd6309f371d52d336eef8f4dc0cd75d5140d0a3a795ff10185c9544f) DocFiles: CHANGES COPYRIGHT Description: PGP packet visualizer DescDetail: << pgpdump is a PGP packet visualizer which displays the packet format of OpenPGP (RFC 2440 + bis) and PGP version 2 (RFC 1991). pgpdump displays the sequence of OpenPGP or PGP version 2 packets from a file. The output of this command is similar to the one of GnuPG's `list packets' command, however, pgpdump produces a more detailed and easier to understand. << License: BSD Homepage: