Package: elisp-manual Version: 21-2.8 Revision: 1002 Description: Emacs Lisp Reference Manual License: GPL Maintainer: None Source: mirror:gnu:emacs/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(f17d3bfce8f9e8426b40e0a686e50809c6806157667a032c280bd70533ffd450) Source2: Source2-Checksum: SHA256(49d2c8378acae72d4c4bb02593764460c204fef0e10b604d50e8e5824cf4223d) Source2ExtractDir: %n-%v ConfigureParams: --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' GCC: 4.0 InstallScript: make install prefix=%i INSTALL_INFO=# DocFiles: elisp.pdf InfoDocs: elisp # DescDetail: << The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual covers this programming language in depth, including data types, control structures, functions, macros, syntax tables, searching and matching, modes, windows, keymaps, byte compilation, and the operating system interface. This is the same 990 page manual which is available softbound from the Free Software Foundation. This package provides the manual in GNU info format and a printable copy in PDF format. << DescPackaging: << Previously maintained by Christian Swinehart << Homepage: