Info2: << Package: teaqt-%type_pkg[qt] Version: 37.2.1 Revision: 3 # should merge with Type: qt (x11) Description: Powerful and easy-to-use Qt4-based editor DescDetail: << TEA is a powerful and easy-to-use Qt4-based editor with many useful features for HTML, Docbook, and LaTeX editing. It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and more. << DescUsage: << This is the new Qt4 based tea. The old GTK+2 version is in the package tea. %{ni}-x11 installs as %p/bin/teaqt to avoid conflicting with the old tea. %{ni}-mac installs as %p/Applications/ << DescPackaging: << Previously maintained by Daniel Johnson << License: GPL3 Maintainer: None Homepage: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(5f58f740d8bab94cbdda7df920560a9499a09ad7080e365ef2d4a15e583e5f69) PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's|/usr/include|%p/include|' Depends: << aspell-shlibs, qt4-base-%type_pkg[qt]-qtcore-shlibs (>= 4.7.3-1), qt4-base-%type_pkg[qt]-qtgui-shlibs (>= 4.7.3-1) << BuildDepends: << aspell-dev, fink-package-precedence, qt4-base-%type_pkg[qt] (>= 4.7.3-1) << GCC: 4.0 CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev if [ "%type_pkg[qt]" == "mac" ]; then PREFIX=%p/Applications else perl -pi -e 's/QMAKE_CXXFLAGS \+\= -std\=c\+\+11//' PREFIX=%p/bin fi %p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/bin/qmake PREFIX=$PREFIX USE_HUNSPELL=false USE_CLANG=true "INCLUDEPATH+=%p/include" LIBS=-L%p/lib "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-MD" "QMAKE_CFLAGS+=-MD" make LFLAGS=-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev make install INSTALL_ROOT=%d if [ "%type_pkg[qt]" == "x11" ]; then mv %i/bin/tea %i/bin/teaqt fi << DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS* README TODO manuals/* <<