Package: bwidget Version: 1.9.7 Revision: 1 Description: High-level widget set for Tcl/Tk DescDetail: << The BWidget Toolkit is a high-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk built using native Tcl/Tk 8.x namespaces. The BWidgets have a professional look&feel as in other well known Toolkits (Tix or Incr Widgets), but the concept is radically different because everything is pure Tcl/Tk. No platform dependencies, and no compiling required. The code is 100% Pure Tcl/Tk. << DescPort: << There are some problems here. 'tclsh tests/entry.test' returns: ==== entry-1.6 configuration options FAILED ==== Contents of test case: .e configure $name [lindex $test 1] list [lindex [.e configure $name] 4] [.e cget $name] ---- Result was: 0 0 ---- Result should have been (exact matching): false false ==== entry-1.6 FAILED ==== Entry-2.1 Entry FAILED ==== Contents of test case: list [catch {Entry} msg] $msg ---- Result was: 1 {wrong # args: should be "::Entry::create path args"} ---- Result should have been (exact matching): 1 {no value given for parameter "path" to "Entry"} ==== Entry-2.1 FAILED entry.test: Total 45 Passed 43 Skipped 0 Failed 2 Drag&drop demo doesn't work (cannot drag) and tree demo is weird (new window opens with no contents whenever on that demo tab). But everything else seems to work correctly. << Homepage: License: BSD Maintainer: Daniel Macks Depends: tcltk Source: mirror:sourceforge:tcllib/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(e6668592c26d21558370335c42c1e85368d40706cc84b38fca01bc40e8395ffc) CompileScript: # InstallScript: << install -d -m 0755 %i/share/%n/{demo,html,tests} install -c -m 0644 demo/* %i/share/%n/demo install -c -m 0644 BWman/* %i/share/%n/html install -c -m 0644 tests/* %i/share/%n/tests install -d -m 0755 %i/lib/BWidget-%v/{images,lang} install -c -m 0644 *.tcl %i/lib/BWidget-%v install -c -m 0644 images/* %i/lib/BWidget-%v/images install -c -m 0644 lang/* %i/lib/BWidget-%v/lang << DocFiles: CHANGES.txt ChangeLog LICENSE.txt README.txt