Package: gif2png Version: 2.5.14 Revision: 1 Maintainer: None Homepage: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(f7584dc0d15b8186182e47dcf6190924a3ba6d669acfce33be8512a79ae6fe20) BuildDepends: libpng16 Depends: libpng16-shlibs Recommends: web2png Suggests: pngcrush, imagemagick | imagemagick-nox PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: fe5a0ed752f128285551ba012d2e1f03 CompileScript: make #DocFiles: README INSTALL ChangeLog COPYING NEWS AUTHORS Description: GIF to PNG graphics file conversion DescDetail: << The gif2png program converts files in the obsolescent and patent-encumbered Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) to Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, an open W3C standard. << License: OSI-Approved DescPort: Provided under the libpng/zlib license. SplitOff: << Package: web2png Depends: %N (>= %v-%r) Enhances: %N (>= %v-%r) Files: bin/web2png share/man/man1/web2png.1 #DocFiles: COPYING Description: Batch-converts entire web-pages with gif2png DescDetail: << The Python script web2png is a companion to gif2png, it converts an entire web tree also patching HTML pages to keep IMG SRC references correct. << DescPackaging: << This is a pure python script with no -pyXX package dependencies, so any python version will suffice. << << DescPackaging: << Original maintainer: Carsten Klapp <<