Package: tango-icon-theme Version: 0.8.90 Revision: 2 Description: Icon theme for GNOME and KDE License: GPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed BuildDepends: << gettext-tools, icon-naming-utils (>= 0.8.1-1), imagemagick (>= 5.5.7-1), intltool40, libgettext8-dev, pkgconfig (>= 0.23-1), librsvg2 (>= 2.24.0-1) << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(e94004fa9aa6a7250ac4db6180e96f9c147db617c0d8e7fc8c9e2c42924e990c) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 1ec0fb762c6a54d3c61dd16e1734fce9 ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-png-creation InstallScript: make install DESTDIR="%d" DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README DescPackaging: << Scrap imagemagick dependencies via pkg-config. All we actually need is 'convert' program, which is tested separately and does not require the libmagick*-dev build-time dep-tree. Likewise, only need rsvg, not the librsvg build-time dep-tree. Import debian's 01-fix-scalable-emblems.patch from their tango-icon-theme-0.8.90-6. See also: << DescDetail: The Tango! icon theme for GNOME and KDE. Homepage: