Package: picoprolog Version: 2016-12-22-85c651fd5ef8 Revision: 1 Description: Prolog interpreter License: Restrictive/Distributable BuildDepends: fpc # Unpack Phase Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(e2fed609c6d8ff2fa185a1e1c468dc317112499d6f1ddba9bae5d159abd10555) SourceDirectory: Spivey-pprolog-85c651fd5ef8 # Compile Phase Compilescript: make fp-pprolog # Install Phase Installscript: << mkdir -p %i/bin/ install -c -m 755 fp-pprolog %i/bin/ ln -s fp-pprolog %i/bin/picoprolog << # Documentation DocFiles: # Additional Info DescDetail: << PicoProlog is a minimal subset of Prolog, implemented by an interpreter written in Pascal. It is described in the book, An introduction to logic programming through Prolog, available from the homepage: For a start, read the book and start the interpreter with the command "picoprolog" << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler