Package: libxml2 Version: 2.12.4 Revision: 1 Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team Depends: %N-bin (= %v-%r), %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.32.0), fink-package-precedence, libiconv-dev, liblzma5, libncurses5, ppkg-config, readline8 << Conflicts: %N-32bit Replaces: %N-32bit Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(497360e423cf0bd99eacdb7c6215dea92e6d6e89ee940393c2bae0e77cb9b7d0) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 3ee7b3b13c28f2b1072addcecf8e21ec # Upstream patch for # PatchFile2: %n-clang-sanitizer.patch PatchFile2-MD5: 5ddce5617a9315e4c80e4251e7b5cea3 PatchScript: << sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 perl -pi -e 's|/etc|%p/etc|g' *.[ch] doc/*.html doc/*.1 doc/*.xml rm test/ebcdic_566012.xml patch -p1 < %{PatchFile2} << ConfigureParams: << --with-iconv=%p \ --with-history \ --disable-static \ --without-python \ --with-legacy \ --with-xptr-locs \ --enable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-silent-rules \ PKG_CONFIG=%p/bin/ppkg-config \ XSLTPROC=/usr/bin/true << CompileScript: << %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%n . << InfoTest: << TestScript: << make check || exit 2 fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%n . || exit 2 << << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d DOC_MODULE=%n mkdir -p %i/etc/xml/catalog.d mkdir -p %i/etc/sgml/catalog.d mkdir -p %i/sbin install -c -m 755 update-xml-catalog %i/sbin/ install -c -m 755 update-sgml-catalog %i/sbin/ << DocFiles: Copyright NEWS BuildDependsOnly: True SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: << libiconv, liblzma5-shlibs << Replaces: libxml2 (<< 2.4.18-2) Suggests: %N-bin Files: lib/libxml2.2.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/libxml2.2.dylib 15.0.0 %n (>= 2.12.4-1) DocFiles: Copyright NEWS << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Depends: << %N-shlibs (>= %v-%r), libiconv, liblzma5-shlibs, libncurses5-shlibs, readline8-shlibs << Conflicts: %N-32bit-bin Replaces: %N-32bit-bin, libxml2 (<< 2.4.18-2) Files: << bin/xmlcatalog bin/xmllint sbin share/man/man1/xmlcatalog.1 share/man/man1/xmllint.1 etc/xml << DocFiles: Copyright NEWS RuntimeVars: << SGML_CATALOG_FILES: %p/etc/sgml/catalog XML_CATALOG_FILES: %p/etc/xml/catalog << PostInstScript: << case "$1" in configure) export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=%p/etc/sgml/catalog export XML_CATALOG_FILES=%p/etc/xml/catalog %p/sbin/update-xml-catalog %p/sbin/update-sgml-catalog ;; esac << PostRmScript: << case "$1" in abort-install|purge|remove) rm -f %p/etc/xml/catalog rm -f %p/etc/sgml/catalog ;; esac << << Description: XML parsing library, version 2 DescDetail: << This set of packages does *not* contain the python bindings. Those are in libxml2-pyXX for various pythonX.X versions. << DescUsage: << libxml2 uses XML/SGML super catalog to know location of DTDs installed on the local system. They are managed by update-xml-catalog and update-sgml-catalog scripts. Each package that provides DTDs should also provide configuration file(s) for these scripts and call them within Pre/PostInstScript. When update-xml-catalog is called, it reads every configuration file in the %p/etc/xml/catalog.d/ directory. Each line of them contains 3 fields, TYPE, ORIG and REPLACE, corresponding to arguments of `xmlcatalog --add'. See xmlcatalog(1) for detail. When update-sgml-catalog is called, it reads every configuration file in the %p/etc/sgml/catalog.d/ directory. Each line of them contains only 1 field, a reference to other SGML catalog file. << DescPort: << disable the self-test of ebcdic handling because GNU libiconv doesn't support ebcdic. See: Should we switch to libicu support? << DescPackaging: << Previous versions by Christoph Pfisterer Hide xsltproc executables from ./configure to avoid circular dependencies (on libxslt-bin (depends on libxml2)) and network access during build. Fortunately, these executables are only used to build docs that already come prebuilt (we patch the targets instead of patching sources and rebuilding). As of 2.9.4-1, scrap static lib, which means we can avoid publishing any internal-implementation flags. See also Debian's 0001-modify-xml2-config-and-pkgconfig-behaviour.patch Use ppkg-config to avoid having glib2 as a BDep (and possible circular, because new glib might have libxml2 deps, and apple scrapped /usr/bin/python but python needs pkg-config to compile). Follow Debian's lead in assuming all linking is dynamic and remove --dynamic from *-config, but be lenient and don't have *-config crash when the flag is passed. Upstream intentionally broke ABI around 2.10. We follow redhat's lead to use options that re-enable what upstream calls "legacy". << License: BSD Homepage: