Info2: << Package: dap-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 3.1.1 Revision: 1 Description: Python Data Access Protocol (dap) DescDetail: << on PyPI. Pydap is an implementation of the Opendap/DODS protocol, written from scratch. You can use Pydap to access scientific data on the internet without having to download it; instead, you work with special array and iterable objects that download data on-the-fly as necessary, saving bandwidth and time. The module also comes with a robust-but-lightweight Opendap server, implemented as a WSGI application. << DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Kurt Schwehr << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(31af591d244f3a9d379a0f0217524382d473fd24d2ef1173272f24f3a0df3511) # Not ready for Python 3.4. Emailed the author. Type: python (2.7) Depends: python%type_pkg[python], httplib2-py%type_pkg[python] # BuildDepend paste deploy? BuildDepends: setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] CompileScript: true InstallScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d DocFiles: PKG-INFO docs License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: None # Info2 <<