Info4: << # 5.3.3 bumps libN=6 Package: fplll2 Version: 5.0.3 Revision: 2 Maintainer: None Conflicts: fplll0, fplll2 Replaces: fplll0, fplll2 BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence, gmp5, libmpfr6, << Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) GCC: 4.0 BuildDependsOnly: True Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(d2b11b7dcb26c30ac1aab9ff75aca9b3dd6e0b0b40c382af16017a717dfe05c2) PatchScript: << # Patch configure to not link like Puma on Yosemite perl -pi.bak -e 's|10\.\[012\]\*|10.[012][,.]*|g' configure << # TODO: use --without-qd to avoid a "hidden dependency" if we ever # add a qd package. However, this flag breaks the fplll compilation # (this should be fixed in a future version, though) #ConfigureParams: --without-qd ConfigureParams: --disable-static InfoTest: TestScript: make check || exit 2 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%n . << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING INSTALL NEWS SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: gmp5-shlibs, libmpfr6-shlibs Files: lib/libfplll.2.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/libfplll.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 5.0.0-1) DocFiles: COPYING INSTALL NEWS << Description: LLL-reduction of euclidean lattices DescDetail: << fplll contains several algorithms on lattices that rely on floating-point computations. This includes implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm, offering different speed/guarantees ratios. It contains a 'wrapper' choosing the estimated best sequence of variants in order to provide a guaranteed output as fast as possible. In the case of the wrapper, the succession of variants is oblivious to the user. It also includes a rigorous floating-point implementation of the Kannan-Fincke-Pohst algorithm that finds a shortest non-zero lattice vector, and the BKZ reduction algorithm. << Homepage: License: GPL <<