Info2: << Package: gdcm Version: 2.6.9 Revision: 3 Type: maj (2.6) Maintainer: None: Homepage: Description: Grassroots DICOM library DescDetail: << Whenever medical data, especially medical image data, is generated in a clinical environment, that data must be stored such that it can be retrieved by the same hospital either immediately, or after several years to determine the effectiveness of a course of treatment and to allow comparisons of multiple images for the same patient. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is a standard that governs this capability by specifying handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. Grassroots DICOM (GDCM) is an implementation of the DICOM standard designed to be open source so that researchers may access clinical data directly. GDCM includes a file format definition and a network communications protocol, both of which should be extended to provide a full set of tools for a researcher or small medical imaging vendor to interface with an existing medical database. GDCM is an open source implementation of the DICOM standard. It offers some compatibility with ACR-NEMA 1.0 & 2.0 files (raw files). << License: BSD BuildDepends: << cmake, docbook-xsl-ns (>= 1.78.1-2), expat1, fink-package-precedence, libopenjpeg1, openssl110-dev, swig << Depends: %N-libsocketxx12-shlibs (= %v-%r), %N%type_pkg[maj]-shlibs (= %v-%r) GCC: 4.0 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n%%202.x/GDCM%%20%v/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(f87eea4776955881ea81a09a21e74c9bcf38a8f0ae45c6837d5c58945a1ee7c5) # Upstream patch for openssl110 and some clang warnings. See: # d7d8c342d5b7f032ac8caf695da018e373f6dfd7 # b3013be81ece0b53b8e5c549ca13fa3b01fde038 # bd27acc9bbcc077e942e4045e7e7d3d1c50e0435 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: d6728f0fa825fded13aea136566c0c84 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's|/etc/xml/catalog|%p$&|g' Utilities/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir ../gdcmbin cd ../gdcmbin cmake VERBOSE=1 \ -DOPENJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=%p/include/openjpeg-1.5 \ -DOPENJPEG_LIBRARY=%p/lib/libopenjpeg/libopenjpeg.dylib \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%p \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%i \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR=%p/lib \ -DGDCM_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_USE_SYSTEM_OPENJPEG:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_USE_SYSTEM_OPENSSL:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_USE_SYSTEM_UUID:BOOL=ON \ -DGDCM_WRAP_JAVA:BOOL=OFF \ -DGDCM_BUILD_APPLICATIONS:BOOL=ON \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-MD \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-MD \ %b make cd %b/.. fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd ../gdcmbin make install << DescPackaging: << Docs use TeX for generation, so we aren't building them in this package. docbook-xsl-ns needed to build manpages (otherwise build error). Can disable their generation by defining "GDCM_BUILD_DOCBOOK_MANPAGES:BOOL=OFF" at config time. Python bindings don't work yet. Examples use Qt for their build, so we'll pull those into their own package at some point. As of 2.6.9-2: The Java stuff stopped working, so don't build it. Former maintainer: Alexander Hansen << SplitOff: << Package: %N%type_pkg[maj]-shlibs Files: lib/lib%N*.*.dylib Depends: expat1-shlibs, libopenjpeg1-shlibs, openssl110-shlibs Shlibs: << %p/lib/libgdcmCommon.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmDICT.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmDSED.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmIOD.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmMEXD.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmMSFF.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmcharls.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmjpeg12.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmjpeg16.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) %p/lib/libgdcmjpeg8.2.6.dylib 2.6.0 %n (>=2.6.1-1) << << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-libsocketxx12-shlibs Files: lib/libsocketxx.*.dylib Replaces: %N-shlibs Shlibs: << %p/lib/libsocketxx.1.2.dylib 1.2.0 gdcm-shlibs (>=2.2.0-1) << DescPackaging: << Since this didn't get a libversion bump along with everything else, and doesn't depend on the other libs, we'll allow it to Replace the lib from the older gdcm-shlibs. << << SplitOff3: << Package: %N%type_pkg[maj]-dev BuildDependsOnly: true Conflicts: << %N-dev, %N24-dev, %N26-dev << Replaces: << %N-dev, %N24-dev, %N26-dev << Depends: %N%type_pkg[maj]-shlibs (=%v-%r), %N-libsocketxx12-shlibs (=%v-%r), %N (=%v-%r) Files: << lib/*.dylib lib/%N-%type_raw[maj]/*.cmake include << << <<