Package: gshhg Version: 2.3.7 Revision: 1 Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(9bb1a956fca0718c083bef842e625797535a00ce81f175df08b042c2a92cfe7f) Recommends: gmt5 Replaces: gshhs CompileScript: echo "Moving files..." InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/gmt/gshhg mv *.nc %i/share/gmt/gshhg << Description: Global dataset of shorelines, rivers, borders DescDetail: << This package provides five different resolution versions of the GSHHG (Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Geography) data base: course, low, intermediate, high, and full resolution. GSHHG combines the World Vector Shoreline and World Data Base II products into a single quality-checked hierarchical data base at 5 resolutions. These tiled GSHHG files in netCDF4 format are intended for use by the Genetic Mapping Tools (GMT). << DescPort: << This version includes moving the files to %i/share/gmt/gshhg as recommended at << DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Kurt Schwehr << License: GPL DocFiles: LICENSE.TXT README.TXT Maintainer: None Homepage: