Package: hdf5.10 # v1.8.16 is last of the libhdf5_cpp libN=11. # v1.8.17 bumps libhdf5_cpp to libN=12. # v1.8.21 (last 1.8) bumps libhdf5_cpp to libN=16. Version: 1.8.16 Revision: 8 Description: Scientific data format (v1.8 API)--headers License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: None Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2) BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence, fink (>= 0.34.8), flag-sort, szip (>= 2.0-2) << Replaces: << hdf5.9, hdf5.9-oldapi, hdf5.10, hdf5.10-oldapi, hdf5.100.v1.8, hdf5.100.v1.10, hdf5.200.v1.8, hdf5.200.v1.10, hdf5.200.v1.12, hdf5-oldapi-cpp11 (<< 1.8.16-5), hdf5-cpp.100.v1.8 (<< 1.10.0-5), hdf5-cpp.100.v1.10 (<< 1.10.0-5) << Conflicts: << hdf5.9, hdf5.9-oldapi, hdf5.10, hdf5.10-oldapi, hdf5.100.v1.8, hdf5.100.v1.10, hdf5.200.v1.8, hdf5.200.v1.10, hdf5.200.v1.12 << BuildDependsOnly: true Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(ed17178abd9928a7237f30370189ba767b9e39e0db45917c2ac4665eb9cb4771) PatchFile: %n-implicit-declarations.patch PatchFile-MD5: a1eb930324291a9b23921c8f9b14744f PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's/hardcode_direct=yes/hardcode_direct=no/g' configure # obsolete use of sort perl -pi -e 's,sort \+2,sort -k 2,' bin/ cp config/apple config/powerpc-apple cp config/apple config/i386-apple cp config/apple config/x86_64-apple # Patch configure not to link like Puma on Yosemite perl -pi -e 's/(10\.\[012\])\*/\1\,.\*/' configure << ConfigureParams: << --enable-shared \ --enable-cxx \ --disable-fortran \ --with-zlib=/usr \ --without-mpe \ --with-szlib=%p \ --without-pthread \ --disable-parallel \ --disable-static << GCC: 4.0 SetCC: flag-sort -r clang SetCXX: flag-sort -r clang++ CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %{default_script} pushd tools make popd fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=%N,%N-oldapi,hdf5.9,hdf5.9-oldapi,hdf5.8,hdf5.8-oldapi,hdf5.7,hdf5.7-oldapi,hdf5,hdf5-18 c++/ tools/ hl/tools << InfoTest: << TestScript: make -j1 check || exit 2 TestSuiteSize: large << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Description: HDF5 (v1.8 API)--C libraries Depends: szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2) Files: << lib/libhdf5.10.dylib lib/libhdf5_hl.10.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/libhdf5.10.dylib 12.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.16-1) %p/lib/libhdf5_hl.10.dylib 11.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.16-1) << DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* << SplitOff2: << Package: hdf5-bin Description: HDF5 (v1.8 API)-executables Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) Conflicts: << hdf5.9-bin, hdf5.9-oldapi-bin, hdf5-bin, hdf5-oldapi-bin, hdf5.100.v1.8-bin, hdf5.100.v1.10-bin, hdf5.200.v1.8-bin, hdf5.200.v1.10-bin, hdf5.200.v1.12-bin << Replaces: << hdf5.9-bin, hdf5.9-oldapi-bin, hdf5-bin, hdf5-oldapi-bin, hdf5.100.v1.8-bin, hdf5.100.v1.10-bin, hdf5.200.v1.8-bin, hdf5.200.v1.10-bin, hdf5.200.v1.12-bin << Files: bin DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* << SplitOff3: << Package: hdf5-cpp11-shlibs Description: HDF5 (v1.8 API)--C++ libraries Depends: szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2), hdf5.10-shlibs (= %v-%r) Files: << lib/libhdf5_cpp.11.dylib lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.11.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/libhdf5_cpp.11.dylib 12.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.16-1) %p/lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.11.dylib 12.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.16-1) << DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* << SplitOff4: << Package: hdf5-cpp11 Description: HDF5 (v1.8 API)--C++ headers Depends: %n-shlibs (= %v-%r), hdf5-bin, szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2) BuildDependsOnly: true Replaces: << hdf5, hdf5.9, hdf5.9-oldapi, hdf5-cpp11, hdf5-cpp11-oldapi, hdf5-cpp.100.v1.8, hdf5-cpp.100.v1.10, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.8, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.10, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.12 << Conflicts: << hdf5, hdf5.9, hdf5.9-oldapi, hdf5-cpp11, hdf5-cpp11-oldapi, hdf5-cpp.100.v1.8, hdf5-cpp.100.v1.10, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.8, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.10, hdf5-cpp.200.v1.12 << Files: << share/hdf5_examples/c++ lib/libhdf5_cpp.dylib lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.dylib lib/ lib/ include/H5AbstractDs.h include/H5ArrayType.h include/H5AtomType.h include/H5Attribute.h include/H5CommonFG.h include/H5CompType.h include/H5DataSet.h include/H5DataSpace.h include/H5DataType.h include/H5DcreatProp.h include/H5DxferProp.h include/H5EnumType.h include/H5Exception.h include/H5FaccProp.h include/H5FcreatProp.h include/H5File.h include/H5FloatType.h include/H5Group.h include/H5IdComponent.h include/H5IntType.h include/H5Library.h include/H5Location.h include/H5Object.h include/H5PacketTable.h include/H5PredType.h include/H5PropList.h include/H5StrType.h include/H5VarLenType.h << DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* DescUsage: << Packages that use this one will likely also need BuildDepends: hdf5.10-dev. Fink's policy regarding BuildDependsOnly packages precludes this one from declaring a dependency. << << Homepage: DescDetail: << HDF5 was designed to address some of the limitations of the HDF 4.x library and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems and applications. Fink's "%N*" packages are intended to replace the corresponding ones from "hdf5-18*". << DescPackaging: << Former Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Revision 7: move H5api_adpt.h into main package so that netcdf* HDF5 detection works without installing the cpp package. (Kind of weird since this file seems like it's for DLLs, but whatever.) No real reason this was in the cpp package, anyway. Make sure to update the netcdf* (>> 3.6.3) packages when this is updated. Buildepends on fink (>= 0.34.8) since that's when we introduced a clang compiler wrapper. -bin package Conflicts/Replaces BDOs from other libversions since those Depend on the their own -bin. << DescPort: << Manually generate appropriate system configuration files to be found by the configure script. Set ac_env_CC and ac_env_CXX so that we can use "flag-sort", because the build appears to find incompatible headers from currently installed versions of the package. <<